25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (2024)

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These vegetable garden ideas will inspire you to grow food in whatever space you have. Whether you choose raised beds, containers, or planting in the ground, you can grow vegetables from spring to fall in any size patio or yard.

If you are new, these are good to start with:20 Fast-Growing Vegetables for Spring or Fall.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (1)

25 Creative Vegetable Gardens

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (2)

These vegetable garden ideas come from home gardens including my own. While some of them have larger yards (backyards and front yards), you really can grow vegetables in any size space.

I started out with a very narrow yard—just 8-feet wide—but made use of every inch with raised beds filled with vegetables, herbs, and flowers.

If you are planning to build your own veggie garden, there are lots of things to consider.

1.In-ground bedsare the traditional way to grow and work fine if you have fairly flat terrain and good soil. You may have to remove grass lawn or debris to get started.

2.Raised bedsare my favorite. Here are a few reasons why.

  • Good solution for growing on slopes.
  • You can put good soil right where you need it.
  • Fewer critters dine on the crops.
  • They can extend the growing season by retaining warmth and it’s easy to add covers.
  • The added height reduces back strain.

If using raised beds, make sure you select the right wood, safe for food growing gardens.

3.Containersact just like raised beds on a smaller scale: you can control the soil and they are portable. However, the size can make them vulnerable to severe temperatures (hot and cold) and they require more attention for watering.

See:10 Top Vegetables to Grow in Containers From Spring to Fall

No matter what style you choose, also think about mulch around the beds, spacing for easy reach, walkways, how much soil will be needed (if filling containers), and the usual plant needs including light, water, and airflow. You may also need some sort of barrier or fencing to prevent animals from eating your crops.

There are always challenges, and no growing season is perfect for everything, but that’s half the adventure.

Be sure to see the Resources section for free raised bed building plans and more.

1Rustic Yet Formal Vegetable Garden

This first garden has a beautiful combination of rustic and modern features. The garden was newly built when I photographed it. They did a great job creating the symmetrical layout of the garden plot. And I do love some rustic tool art.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (3)

This next one was in a different garden but has the same idea. Pea gravel is a popular choice for covering the ground around raised beds. I think no matter what you choose there will be compromises or struggles. Weeds mean business!

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (4)

2Shed With Raised Beds

This garden had several raised beds and all of them were quite tall (18″ or more) and filled with the most luscious soil. I love the branch trellis and other support for little climbers.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (5)

Here’s a look at an adjacent bed:

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (6)

3Real Bed Veggie Bed

This gardener was so artistic with wonderful projects throughout the space.

Here she used bed frames to define a veggie flower bed.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (7)

SeeTurn a Real Bed Into a Garden Bed

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25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (8)

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4 Square Raised Bed

Square or rectangular? That’s just one of many questions to ask when creating a raised bed.

Personally, I like a narrower bed so I can easily reach everything from one side.

But, that said, this one is going to look gorgeous with flowering vines growing around the branches.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (9)

These herb boxes are nicely spaced apart to make it much easier to work in the garden.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (10)

See Learn How to Grow Herbs

5Narrow Front Yard Veggie Garden

This was the garden at my previous home. The entire front lawn was just 8 feet wide and sloped, so I installed a series of raised beds for veggies and flowers.

From the street it looked like a flower garden.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (11)

But I had just as many veggies in there as flowers.The green lawn belongs to the neighbor—otherwise I would have planted that too!

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (12)

You can see more of this garden in a virtual tour here.

And it appears in the book, Gardening Your Front Yard by Tara Nolan.

6Country Vegetable Garden

I visited this garden on horse farm in the country. The whole arrangement was very pleasing.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (13)

This asparagus bed is bordered with angel stone and the pathways are filled with pea gravel.

It can be tricky to keep the weeds away in the long term with this setup but some say it’s not impossible.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (14)

7In Ground Veggies

If you have a large space and good soil, a traditional in-ground veggie garden is the way to go. I have terrible soil so I do all my veggies in raised beds where I can control the soil.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (15)

It’s traditional to plant in tidy rows but you don’t have to. The garden (above) has ample room for more vegetables like lettuces under the larger plants and flowering plants to attract pollinators.

8Rustic Log Garden Beds

Tim-ber! This is fast and easy way to make use of fallen trees. Line the beds with raw logs. They will decompose slowly over time, doing many good things for the garden.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (16)

9Keyhole Raised Beds

Keyhole gardens became popular a few years ago. This one has a sitting spot that can be moved along the beds. You could do the same thing though without having to join the beds, of course.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (17)

Related:7 Back and Knee-Friendly Garden Ideas

10Fenced Traditional Garden

Depending on where you live, you will have different wild animals visit your garden. Here a low wire fence is used to keep out rabbits and groundhogs. Deer, however, are a whole other issue.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (18)

Related: Victory Gardens: Growing Vegetables in Turbulent Times

11Colorful Obelisks

This little boxed garden has been blocked off, perhaps to stop rabbits or the family dog. I love the painted obelisks. Later in the season they will be covered in veggie vines.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (19)

12Community Victory Garden

I love seeing thriving community gardens. It reminds me of the days when I longed for my own garden but did not have an option like this.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (20)

13Patio Vegetable Container Garden

This combination of vegetables and ornamental plants is doing nicely on the patio by the pool:

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (21)

This next one was also at my former home. I planted various herbs and veggies in the containers and had them near the front door for easy access. Plus, it was a good use of space on the concrete walkway. The brick wall provided warmth and the pots received just a few hours direct sun each day so they never dried out.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (22)

Related: 10 Tips Before You Grow Tomatoes

14Vegetable Garden on a Slope

Raised beds or retaining walls are a must if you are gardening on a slope.

I’m guessing this garden (above) had issues with water running away.

15Veggie Beds with Pea Gravel

I love a mixture of fruits, veggies, and flowers all in one space—and that’s biodiversity at its best, providing something for the wildlife we rely on from spring to fall.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (24)

16White Garden Boxes

The white raised beds and climbers matched the style of this old Victorian country home. Beans, peas and other climbers are planted around the trellis.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (25)

17Clematis in Veggie Garden

What a wonderful focal point in the middle of veggie garden. This clematis just wants to keep on growing.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (26)

Related: How to Grow Clematis

18Raised Beds with Straw Mulch

If you have room, it is ideal to have enough space between beds to kneel with your legs on the ground. The measurement from the top of your knee to the bottom of your foot should be the minimum distance if possible.

Also, never make a raised bed wider than you can comfortably reach every part of it. You don’t ever want to stand inside and compact the soil or step on plants.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (27)

Straw is one option for mulching around veggie beds. Every type of mulch has pros and cons. I’ve found straw can get messy and mucky when wet, but it also tends to be cheap, which is always nice.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (28)

Related: Get Started with Straw Bale Gardening

19Raised Bed with Privacy Wall

This one is in my garden. I grow herbs, flowers, and an apple tree in it.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (29)

SeeDIY Raised Bed with Privacy Fence

20Brick Edged Veggie Bed

If the bricks or paving stones are well-placed at grass height, it is really easy to cut the lawn without having to do additional trim work.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (30)

And that’s a big part of planning a veggie garden: do what you can to making trimming and lawn maintenance easy.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (31)

21Mitered Box Garden

Low or high? These low mitered boxes look beautiful. If you have back or knee issues, a taller box is great—if you have enough soil to fill it or can block off the lower half.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (32)

22Front Yard Raised Beds

Grow where the sun shines! There is still quite a stigma against growing vegetables in front garden in some areas. And some regions still have bylaws against it.

This gardener told me they used the raised bed to appease the neighbors.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (33)

23Large Heirloom Veggie Garden

This home garden had the most beautiful soil. I was envious! They put a sign up on garden tour day listing their heirloom veggie choices.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (34)

Related: How to Start Your First Vegetable Garden

24Formal Garden

While this one is not a veggie garden, it could be. There’s no reason why you couldn’t fill in the gaps with vegetables, either in the ground or in pots.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (35)

25 Compost Bins

Every good veggie garden needs a composter! You can save food scraps for compost in any size garden (even a balcony). Larger bins like these ones are ideal for larger gardens with a lot of yard waste.

25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (36)

And don’t stop in fall:you can keep compost going all winter long.


What Should I Grow in My Veggie Garden?

Your choices are going to depend on your growing zone and conditions and what you love. Growing what you love to eat makes us more motivated as gardeners.

There are many free garden planting plans online and countless good books on the subject. I have a basic vegetable seed sowing plan here.

I like to browse seed catalogs (either in print or online) and try new vegetables every year.


25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (37)

Growing Vegetables
A Weekly Indoor & Outdoor Seed Sowing Plan for Beginners

by Melissa J. Will

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Free Raised Bed Building Plans

There are free plans for building various styles of raised beds here.

If you like ideas like this, be sure tosign up for the free Empress of Dirt Newsletterwith fresh ideas every second Friday.

~Melissa the Empress of Dirt ♛

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25 Vegetable Garden Design & Layout Ideas (With Photos) (2024)


What is the best layout for a vegetable garden? ›

As a general rule, put tall veggies toward the back of the bed, mid-sized ones in the middle, and smaller plants in the front or as a border. Consider adding pollinator plants to attract beneficial insects that can not only help you get a better harvest, but will also prey on garden pests.

What vegetables to plant together chart? ›

Vegetables and Herbs Companion Planting Chart
PlantGood Together
PotatoBush Bean, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn, Horseradish, Onion, Parsnip, Peas
RadishBeet, Bush Beans, Pole Beans, Carrots, Cucumber, Lettuce, Parsnip, Peas, Spinach, Squash
SpinachCelery, Corn, Eggplant, Cauliflower
SquashCorn, Onion, Radish
15 more rows

What vegetables should not be planted together? ›

14 Vegetables You Should Never Plant Together—Gardening Experts Explain Why
  • 01 of 14. Beans and Onions. ...
  • 02 of 14. Tomatoes and Potatoes. ...
  • 03 of 14. Corn and Tomatoes. ...
  • 04 of 14. Tomatoes and Brassicas. ...
  • 05 of 14. Cucumber and Squash. ...
  • 06 of 14. Lettuce and Celery. ...
  • 07 of 14. Fennel and Tomatoes. ...
  • 08 of 14. Peppers and Cabbage.
Jan 16, 2024

What to plant in a 20x20 garden? ›

Plant List
PlantNumberSpacing in Rows
Chinese Cabbage611" x 1' 11"
Cucumber121' 11" x 1' 11"
Kale321' 1" x 1' 5"
Lettuce (Leaf)863" x 5"
13 more rows

What should tomatoes not be planted with? ›

Companion Plants To Avoid Growing Near Tomatoes
  • Cabbage. Planting a member of the brassica family, like cabbage, can stunt the growth of your tomato plant because they out-compete them for the same nutrients. ...
  • Corn. ...
  • Broccoli. ...
  • Fennel. ...
  • Dill. ...
  • Potatoes. ...
  • Eggplant. ...
  • Walnuts.
May 4, 2024

What is the most basic garden layout? ›

The traditional basic vegetable garden design has been straight and long rows running from north to south. Usually anything growing tall, like corn, beans or peas are planted on the north side of the vegetable garden to keep them from casting shade on the shorter crops.

What not to plant with cucumbers? ›

Aromatic Herbs: Herbs like sage and rosemary, while useful in cooking, can inhibit the growth of cucumbers. They contain natural oils that can slow down the growth of cucumber plants. Brassicas: Plants like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower can compete with cucumbers for the same nutrients in the soil.

What not to plant with peppers? ›

Brassicas: Almanacs and home gardeners recommend avoiding planting brassicas (cabbage, broccoli, kale, collards, cauliflower) near peppers because they require different soil acidity levels and can deter pepper plant growth.

Can tomatoes and peppers be planted together? ›

Tomatoes. Although it's usually recommended to not plant tomatoes and peppers right after each other in the same bed every year, they can be grown together in the same garden bed (and then rotated to another bed next season).

What 3 vegetables grow well together? ›

Which Vegetables Grow Well Together?
VegetableCompanion PlantDon't Plant Together
OnionsBeets, carrots, Swiss chard, lettuce, peppersAll beans and peas
PeasBeans, carrots, corn, cucumbers, radish, turnipGarlic, onions
PotatoesBeans, corn, peasTomatoes
SquashCorn, melons, pumpkinsNone
11 more rows
Jun 26, 2021

What not to plant next to zucchini? ›

Potatoes can also spread diseases such as late blight, which can also affect zucchinis. Cucumbers and pumpkins should not be planted next to zucchinis as they belong to the same family (Cucurbitaceae) and therefore attract similar pests and diseases.

How do I plan my garden layout? ›

Map Out Your Plants

Sketch out your plan on paper. Use graph paper and draw to scale, keeping in mind the mature size and habit of each kind of plant. Site larger plants, like corn and tomatoes, where they won't cast shade over shorter plants. Choose compact varieties if you have limited space.

How to design a vegetable garden? ›

Vegetable Garden Design Tips

Do not overcrowd plants. They look small as seedlings but planting vegetables too close together will lead to disease and lower yields. For a good harvest, start with good soil. The soil should be loose and filled with organic matter.

How do you layout a garden plant? ›

There are two basic rules when arranging plants in the beds: 1) space the individual plants so that they touch each other when they reach their mature size, and 2) overlap the masses of plants and connect them so that they flow without space between them. Avoid gaps or large open areas between masses.

What is the best layout for a food garden? ›

Rows Vegetable Garden Layout Plan

The other rule of thumb when using this layout plan is to organize your spacing so that your tallest growing vegetables are planted on the north side of your rows. Follow them with medium height vegetables, and then plant your shortest crop on the south side of the rows.

What is the traditional row vegetable garden layout? ›

The traditional method of vegetable gardening is to plant in narrow rows, lining up single plants in long rows separated by 1 to 2 feet of bare soil to provide access for weeding and other maintenance tasks. But this method wastes a lot of garden space in empty paths between rows.

Should vegetable gardens be east or west facing? ›

Beware that west facing gardens often get the brunt of intense afternoon sun which can be deadly for certain plants. North and East facing gardens, as well as gardens that have structures that inhibit direct sunlight, tend to be more shady.


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